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Precautions before using a semi - truck - To the drivers

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Precautions before using a semi - truck - To the drivers

Date:2022-12-05 Author: Click:

Dear semi-trailer drivers,

Hello! Before your new car is put into use, please be sure to read the following precautions:

1. Without the guidance of our professional staff, it is strictly prohibited to weld anything on the girders, otherwise it will cause the girders to break and sag;

2. It is strictly prohibited to modify the gas path of the trailer before use;

3. When a new car is equipped with a welded water tank, the power supply of the tractor must be turned off.

4. The new car should check whether the tire pressure is the specified value before use, so as not to cause abnormal tire wear;

5. After the tractor and semi-trailer are connected, it is necessary to check whether the main engine traction seat and trailer traction pin are connected tightly;

6. After connecting the tractor and semi-trailer, if the signal of the lamp is inconsistent, the sequence of the seven-core helix of the tractor should be adjusted in time;

7. Before using the new car should check whether the axle tire rose fastening;

8. After the tractor is connected to the semi-trailer, the braking effect of the vehicle must be checked;

9. After the tractor is connected to the semi-trailer, it is necessary to check whether the gas path of the vehicle, the following valve and the ABS valve are leaking;

10. If the barn and car door of the trailer can be opened outward, please pay attention to whether the handle has locked the barn and car door tightly, so as to avoid the car door opening outward on the road and causing an accident.

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